In number of countries, some People think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing New railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Other believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some individuals have an opinion that it is advantageous to spend a large amount of capital on developing new railway tracks for high-speed
linking cities,
others believe the spending should be on enhancing current public transport. In
essay, I will discuss both of these views and give my opinion. The establishment of new railway lines in a country is beneficial for the convenience of its citizens. To put it another way, the development of super fast
will often lead to people preferring to travel by public transport, rather than commuting with their private vehicles.
help in reducing air pollution,
as well as
saving time for travellers , especially in populated countries like India and China, where traffic is a big concern, introducing
Correct article usage
a speedy
show examples
line would be a key to overcoming these issues.
For instance
according to
a news report from
Correct article usage
the Hong
show examples
Kong Times in 2022, the government of China has been working on the construction of bullet
for the
5 years to save time for its people.
On the other hand
, some may believe that the betterment of public transit facilities will help individuals to improve their standard of living.
In other words
, providing comfortable seats, affordable prices and well-designed convoys will gain attraction for people to travel by local public transportation.
there is some accuracy to
notion, it should not be pursued at the expense of neglecting the areas without mass transit. Take China as an example; where folks have access to retail shops in transportation areas.
some may have a satisfactory journey to a destination, those who want to pursue more far locations would suffer.
To conclude
improving current transport means is undeniably imperative, I firmly believe that building new ones would contribute more to both society and the environment.
is acquired by more usage of high-speed
of personal vehicles, offering immediate access and less exhaust emission.
Submitted by brishjot999 on

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Your introduction sets the stage well for the essay. Just ensure that your thesis statement clearly lays out your viewpoint.
Be mindful of punctuation, such as misplaced commas, which can disrupt the flow of the sentences.
Keep your sentences concise to maintain clarity and avoid wordiness.
task response
While you effectively discuss both viewpoints, ensure that your examples are highly relevant and specific to your argument.
Your essay follows a clear logical structure, making it easy to follow your line of argument.
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You've provided a well-rounded discussion by addressing both points of view adequately.
The transitions between your paragraphs are smooth, which helps maintain the coherence of your essay.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • infrastructure
  • efficient
  • congestion
  • sustainable
  • environmentally friendly
  • connectivity
  • economic growth
  • public transportation
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