More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in foreign countries. Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks

An increasing number of scholars are deciding to
their studies abroad. In my view, I agree that the merits of studying overseas surpasses the demerits, and the reasons for both views will be discussed in
essay. Admittedly, one minor issue with the increasing trend of pupils going to study in other countries, is the lack of inclusion. Young people who decide to advance their education in a foreign homey find it hard to adapt to the new environment and accustom themselves to the way of life and cultures of the people they find themselves with.
, foreign students take longer to make friends and socialize with their peers in their day to day activities.
In addition
, people who study abroad is prone to feeling homesick. After a while in a new provincial of studies, students in foreign educational institutions begin to feel lonely
as a result
of missing their former lives and families in their home country. An example of
is a research carried out in the University of Oxford, it was published that 95% of new foreign students in America begin to feel homesick in their
academic year.
, I agree that there are various advantages of studying overseas.
of all, it increases the employment prospects of
individuals. A number of organizations have been founded to employ people with foreign educational experience, because they believe in the academic syllabus and teaching methods of
institutions towards grooming competent and qualified people for the jobs.
, graduates who
their studies in other countries, acquire global network connections. Due to the diverse range of individuals from different countries, people who study abroad have an edge in creating friendships and connections that can birth business opportunities and international support. An example of
is the cofounders of a top tech company here in Nigeria. The three founders are from three different countries who found themselves in the same classroom and decided to start a business of their own. In conclusion, I maintain that studying in a foreign nation is beneficial than any drawbacks identified.
essay has discussed both views extensively above.
Submitted by Temitope Jadf on

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