It is often undeniable that having personal activities is essential as much as hard working. While many people prefer spending most their time in only working, I believe that the drawbacks of
behaviour outweigh its benefits and cause many vital issues.
On the one hand, a lot of people think that working for overtime might develop them fast in their career path. Linking Words
is because more working could increase their experience and Linking Words
. In Egypt, in a professional manner
for example
, a wide range of fresh software developers work for around 12 hours per day to gain experience and get knowledge rapidly. Not only are Linking Words
titles expected to be promoted, but salaries Suggestion
are required to be increased. Linking Words
As a result
, some young people could achieve respectful positions and high salaries in a short period by their effort only.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, I strongly support that individuals need personal activities as important as working to balance their lifestyle. The main reason is these activities could recharge humans’ batteries and get out any negative stress. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
playing swimming
regularly refreshes the person’s brain and improves his body, so it enables him to give more energy in work later. Despite over stress and ignoring free time enjoying, Accept comma addition
playing, swimming
could unfortunately cause some health issues Linking Words
as heart diseases and blood pressure. Linking Words
, if life balance did not organize immediately, working life side would be affected negatively and might result in unwilling issues in the near or distant future.
In conclusion, while extra working might lead to rapid promotions and high money packages, I entirely assert that personal activities are much more significant to have a balanced pleasant life and develop a professional working progress.Linking Words
Heba Wahba