Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty. Therefore, developed countries should give other types of help to the poorer countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

A tremendous amount of money is given to you developing countries by prosperous nations.
, the existence of poverty did not change.
Thus it
Accept comma addition
Thus, it
is thought that other forms of support should be provided to solve the problem radically. From my perspective, I believe that developed countries ought to share their schemes with poor countries.
, I
think that giving money is essential to feed impoverished people. To start with, underdeveloped countries need to make significant changes in their infrastructure in order to thrive. If wealthy countries are willing to help and support, they should share their schemes with poorer nations.
way, developing countries will not waste lots of money on experiencing or trying different schemes.
, scientists and researchers in rich countries are constantly working on medicines and conducting new researches. So, they should share their results with undeveloped countries to improve the health sector and renew the school curriculum to teach modern information.
, having healthy, intellectual and knowledgeable citizens will help the country to flourish.
, making
changes and improvements will take years of constant work. Needy people in poor countries need instant solutions,
, the famine and drought will kill them. A survey made in 2017 the pectin that in each year, over 1 million individual die in African countries do you to lack of food and pure water. So, donations made by developing countries play a critical role in saving these lives, providing them with food to eat, clean water to drink and safe shelters. In conclusion, when giving monetary help to impoverished countries does not solve their problems forever, it definitely helps feed hungry people who cannot find anything to eat. Helping the countries do you have better infrastructure is
Submitted by Judy Alhareeri on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • poverty alleviation
  • economic inequality
  • developing nations
  • foreign aid
  • sustainable growth
  • technical assistance
  • expertise
  • infrastructure
  • education
  • fair trade
  • trade barriers
  • sustainable development
  • environmental conservation
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