You bought a TV a week ago but when you got home it did not work properly. You calledcustomer service to report the problem but you have not yet received any help. Write a letter to the company.

Dear Madam, My name is Lyla Albertson, a faithful customer who has been shopping at your outlet for 6 years. I am writing
letter to report the faulty television I bought from your shop two weeks ago. I got the 2024 Artel TV fully paid for on the 8th of November. I was assured
was the latest brand with the best quality pictures.
, when I arrived home I discovered that the images on the
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blurry. I quickly called customer service to notify them and was put on hold instantly.
, I visited the office and I was promised a technician who would come to check my television but I have still not been attended to. It has been 2 weeks now and
action is totally unacceptable. I demand a quick refund or replacement of the TV by the company as soon as possible or I will take legal action. I look forward to hearing from you within a week. Yours faithfully, Lyla Albertson
Submitted by a_zamjonov99 on

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task achievement
The letter effectively communicates the issue and necessary steps to resolve it. Make sure to always include specific details such as dates and descriptions of the problems encountered.
coherence cohesion
To improve the logical structure, consider providing a brief outline of the points you will discuss in the introduction and ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single aspect of your complaint.
task achievement
While the tone is generally suitable, try to maintain a slightly more objective and professional tone, especially when mentioning potential legal actions.
task achievement
You've included important details such as purchase date, product model, and previous actions taken, which are crucial for the reader's understanding.
coherence cohesion
Your letter has a clear structure with a defined introduction, body, and conclusion, making it easy to follow.
greeting and closing
Good use of formal language and a polite but firm closing statement, which adds to the effectiveness of your request.
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