Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (for example, working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Voluntary work like keeping clean the society area or charity task is one of the superior causes and some of them feel that it should be made mandatory in schools for
cycle students. I completely agree with the above idea since it helps adolescents to be a responsible adult in the future. To being with, if
kind of activity is made a part of schooling teaches children the scenes of belongings towards society.
In other words
, they learn to be helping the elders in need, those who stay alone without any intention of being paid.
, it creates interest among the students to voluntarily participate in teaching someone who is not in a position to pay fees.
For example
, The University of Boston, says that on average 75% of adults who anticipate in the welfare job without getting paid are the one being share of it since school time.
, they understand the cause and do not value their money.
, taking a share in charity work make them caring and disciplined. Since teenagers are more vulnerable than toddlers it becomes difficult to handle them when they are growing.
, if they get involved in community services which profoundly makes them sensitive and calm looking at the needed and which turns them to be the responsible adults for the future for community by going good causes.
For instance
, according to the research, 82% of adolescents learn to differentia the behavioural aspect when they do any volunteer job which helps them to take responsibility. To conclude, it is an excellent thought to make charity programme part of school curriculum because students can
learn to give care to needy and scenes of responsibility alleviates towards the society.
Submitted by b singh on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • compulsory
  • high school programmes
  • unpaid community service
  • charity
  • improving the neighbourhood
  • teaching sports
  • sense of responsibility
  • empathy
  • broader perspective
  • societal issues
  • college applications
  • job applications
  • positive impact
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