A Healthy population is one of the significant factors for the development of countries. Advance vaccines can now prevent a plethora of diseases. While individuals have the freedom to make their decisions, I believe governments should pass a law for mandatory immunization of children.
, Fighting preventable diseases is overburdening the Linking Words
, and the spending on health is increasing every year. Use synonyms
That is
mainly because of diseases that could have been prevented by immunizing young kids. Polio, Linking Words
for instance
, is an epidemic, India is dealing with for the Linking Words
50 years. Initiatives to curb Polio have been unsuccessful, though the number of polio cases is decreasing. If the Linking Words
had made immunization mandatory, diseases like Polio would never have existed in the modern world.
Use synonyms
, Illiteracy rates in developing countries are very high, and people do not completely understand the advantages of immunization. Linking Words
For example
, In India, 60% of the population are living below the poverty line. Most of them believe, either vaccine is expensive, or they might harm bodies in ways doctors still do not understand. To overcome Linking Words
, the Linking Words
should come up with informational programs, which can educate and help these people; Use synonyms
for instance
, WHO is not only educating people in developing countries but Linking Words
giving free vaccines.
In conclusion, unless efforts are made to shift the public consciousness, Linking Words
problem will only escalate. There should be strict laws for parents to immunize their children in order to help the Linking Words
so that the money can be used for far worse issues like pollution, poverty, and illiteracy.Use synonyms