Some people think that an old age is a reason of some problems; others believe that retired people have got a great chance to relax and to get a new hobby started as well. Obviously, there is the question which should be answered: what are the advantages or disadvantages of the age after 60?
essay will consider some pros and cons regarding Linking Words
On the one hand, there are some benefits to getting older. Linking Words
, it is needed to give Linking Words
period of life its due: it is an opportunity to follow a calm lifestyle surrounded by friendly relatives that old people adore and appreciate a lot. Linking Words
, it is well known that nowadays travelling has become as a new hobby and according to Linking Words
idea many retired people prefer to spend time visiting different countries. Linking Words
In other words
, retired people have a wonderful chance to have a better look at the life.
Linking Words
, the opposite opinion is old-aged people face up to some difficulties. Obviously, there are some health problems can take place; Linking Words
, many retired people need special Linking Words
assistance as well as suitable Suggestion
care. Suggestion
, after retirement some of them miss their work. Linking Words
For instance
, my grandmother, an 80-year-old woman, used to work as a teacher and she misses her pupils these days. Linking Words
As a result
, weakness and lack of social activity cause some problems.
Obviously, whether we like it or not, we get older. Some retired people are happy to spend more time with family and to do a hobby while others feel themselves uncomfortable and suffer. To summarize, the quality of life does not depend on our age.Linking Words