There is no doubt that the crimes against children have increased nowadays. While many believe that there should be strict laws against children going out after dark to tackle the crime rate, in my opinion, only making
illegal won't be enough.
Linking Words
, enforcing Linking Words
curfew hours for children can be the Linking Words
step towards their safety. If parents and their kids both know that they would be penalized heavily in case they flout the rules, there are higher chances that the law would be taken seriously. As criminals are nowadays targeting young people as they are easier to manipulate, it is the need of the hour. Linking Words
For example
, we see newspapers these days published at least one missing child report everyday along with sexual abuse and other heinous crimes against youngsters. Linking Words
, rather than doing nothing and waiting for the crime to happen and Linking Words
take steps, the authorities should try to prevent Linking Words
Linking Words
, if teenagers are not allowed to go out after dark, they might not gain enough experience to handle crimes when they grow older. Linking Words
For instance
, a child who has gone out and has mixed with various kinds of people tends to be more aware of the situation and often able to predict the intention of a person better than someone who never has mixed with the outside world. Linking Words
, completely banishing them from venturing out can have more negative effects than positive. They might be well protected till 18, but would not be mature enough to handle any potential risk even after being an adult. Linking Words
, there are disadvantages associated with Linking Words
a strict law as well.
In conclusion, according to me, the government must be more active and vigilant after dark rather than forbidding a certain group of citizens to go out of their house. Even though the law can be effective Linking Words
, it is going to have a long term detrimental effect on the kids, which might be the reason for Linking Words
increased crime rate
in the future.Suggestion
the increased crime rate