Mobile phones have become much more common than ever before in the modern society. More and more teenagers have possessed them across the world. Under
circumstance, some schools prohibit students from owning a mobile due to its harmful effects. Linking Words
, I believe that Linking Words
trend is Linking Words
when looking at the positive side of mobiles.
On the one hand, using mobiles at school, children may have several drawbacks. not encouraging or approving or pleasing
and foremost, mobiles can make it difficult to concentrate on what children are confronting and tackling. Linking Words
For instance
, while studying in a classroom or even chatting with their friends, they can be easily distracted by frequent notifications of messages, fascinating online games, photo albums and whatsoever. Some of addicted users cannot keep devices away even for a short period of time. Linking Words
, mobile users have a certain risk of being involved in crimes from petty ones to vicious ones Linking Words
as kidnapping via social networking services, On Linking Words
platform, free and direct access to teenagers is possible, which can involve them in crimes easily.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, mobile phones have various advantages. Linking Words
innovative item has changed children’s lives more entertaining and exciting. They can have more interactive communication with their friends and families via online chatting and calling with a face camera. Linking Words
, the recent gadget has a wide range of functions some of which can provide a vital role Linking Words
protecting their safety. Suggestion
For example
, global positioning system can tell parents children’s locations. Linking Words
, emergency call system can enhance their security when they face emergency situations.
In conclusion, the benefits of mobiles can outweigh the drawbacks because they can enrich children’s lives and protect their safety, which can be a top priority and cancel out the downsides. Linking Words
, I consider it negative to ban children from owing mobiles at school.Linking Words