In recent years, overpopulation in urban regions has led to diverse challenges. I will be discussing major issues due to
and possible solutions that governmental institutions can take to overcome these challenges.
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, there are a lot of challenges due to increase in population, two are very apparent. Linking Words
a, overpopulation has led to a development in crime. Due to an increase of the ratio of citizens to the police, the police force is ill equipped to face the steady increasing crime rates. Linking Words
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example Detroit created a similar citizens report programme that reduced lawlessness by twenty percent. Suggestion
, In the past few years, There has been a huge decrease in the educational standards in these territories. Linking Words
As a result
of the sizes of the average classrooms in these communities, children do not receive the appropriate focus to excel in their educational pursuits.
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, even with all these issues, there are solutions available to tackle overpopulation in these areas. To start with, the Government can raise its focus on security programs. Engaging with the local population to report acts of crime, will improve the safety of every member living in that area. The government can Linking Words
seek to remove zoned education laws - these laws mandate a certain distance for a child's school based on residence. If children are permitted to school in regions with higher literacy rates, the balance of students to teachers in urban locations will be restored.
In conclusion, while there are a lot of issues due to overpopulated regions Linking Words
as an increase in criminal activity and a reduction in average literacy. Increasing focus on security and widening educational resources will go a long way in resolving these challenges.Linking Words
Tunde Adeoye