In some countries, the number of shootings increase becausee many people have guns at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

There are countries around the world where we have seen an increased number of shootings than before, and many think that the primary reason behind
is that many
these days keep weapons like guns and pistols at home;
, I disagree with
statement because there are other reasons for
scenario as well which I shall discuss in my essay. The first and foremost reason for my disagreement is that;
, it is an inevitable
that many individuals have guns at home, but
is not the only reason for increased shootings. Media, television, illegal use of weapons and drugs which
watch in movies, and video games, all these factors influence a person in a negative way and
make them aggressive in their behaviour, which later excites them for wicked activities like shooting and in
, many children and adults play video games these days which have violent actions like shooting, stabbing, and killing, which leads to aggression in them, and
behaviour makes them stubborn,
for example
, Pubgee, Angry
Capitalize word
show examples
, and so on.
In addition
to that, peer pressure and family circumstances could contribute to activities like shooting. Teenagers and youngsters when swayed by their fellow mates,
could result in unethical behaviour, so young
indulge in shooting and in
in other crimes as well.
, negative family situations where
suffer from depression-like symptoms can result in
Fix the agreement mistake
show examples
. In conclusion, increased shootings across different countries are not only
due to
nowadays keep more guns at home, but other factors like negative influence from media, movies, and computerised games,
peer pressure and family situations can contribute well to shooting.
Submitted by harleenarora620 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • shootings
  • guns
  • increase
  • home
  • accidental
  • domestic violence
  • easy access
  • impulsive
  • violence
  • gun control laws
  • gun violence
  • ownership
  • regulated
  • misuse
  • public safety
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