People have contrasting views, whether parents or tutors and own sense are the best teacher for a person. In my opinion, no one alone can be the best supervisor, rather a human being needs lessons of all these to grow as a person.
On the one hand, parents are emotionally attached with their offsprings, which can lead them the best instructors. Whenever a human child born, he is nurtured by the family until becoming mature, and spends most of his time with them. That youngster transcribes and learns every basic things from their surroundings; including feeding, way of communication, culture and norms.
, if these young people are properly nurtured by the family, it is highly likely that they will grasp effective knowledge and brought up as a successful individual. Linking Words
For instance
, a survey conducted by the Wikipedia, reveals that the rate of prosperity is higher among those who are greatly supervised by their mother or father.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, many significant aspects can only be acquired from the educators or by on hand jobs. There are certain life oriented knowledge Linking Words
that is
stored in the books or other mediums, which can be understood and inculcate by following pedagogues; because, these subjects are tough and need expertise to consume. Linking Words
, some lessons can be attained only by practice as they need real effort. Linking Words
, the instructor and a person's own practical job together can be the best teacher. Linking Words
For example
, if anyone is curious to graduate in Physics, he must have to follow the lessons of a lecturer, who is master in Linking Words
course. Linking Words
, driving skill can be effectively earned by doing real driving. Usually, all Linking Words
tasks people are unable to learn from the family.
In conclusion, Linking Words
parents are the basic builders of a human character, they cannot be the single entity to build a successful personality as they have limited wisdom in many issues. Linking Words
, parents, educator and own conscience are essential to teach human being.Linking Words