The way of thinking shapes a kid to decide what he will become in future. It is often argued that egocentric thinking of a child can develop them as a selfish person, whilst others advocate that kids should make judgements about the greater causes of the community.
essay agrees that a child should think about the burning questions of the nation rather than only thinking about themselves. Linking Words
essay will discuss both points of view.
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of all, the advancement and betterment of a civilization largely depend on the way how the children think about it. Thinking about various aspects of the society and matters that cause social chaos helps a kid to find a probable solution of it. Giving a thought about social problems Linking Words
helps to improve other cognitive benefits. Linking Words
In other words
, it benefits the overall development of a child’s brain and helps them to shape their thinking in a matured way. Linking Words
For example
, a research report has recently revealed that the tendency of making an impact on solving the global issues is higher in those people who used to think about social problems since their childhood.
Making judgements about regular matters that happen in life makes a child more introvert and self-centred. Egocentric thinking often leads to a culture where social customs are not valued. Those who make their own choices are likely to refuse others opinions and cannot take constructive criticisms. Linking Words
types of people tend to have lower levels of intellectual. Linking Words
For instance
, a test done on a group of people by a scientist reported that self-centred people have a lower level of intellectual than those who are more socially connected from their childhood.
In conclusion, it is quite apparent that thinking about matters that influences the community since childhood has tons of benefits while egocentricity leads to a world without social relationships. Children should be taught to think broadly by not only thinking about themselves.Linking Words
Irfan Khan