Advertisements play a major role in influencing the buying decisions of customers. Most of these ads are aired in the evenings when children are back from school and sitting in front of the television. Some people opine that commercials targeting young kids should be banned.
, I agree with Linking Words
view to a great extent because in my opinion, excessively promotional ads have a devastating effect on children.
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, children are easily manipulated by the adverts which take them to the virtual world. Linking Words
As a result
, which coax them to purchase products that are not always worth their money. Linking Words
For example
, Since 2010, toys of the Star Wars series are very popular among teenagers and sales of these toys are very high in the market. Linking Words
, the advertisements are delivered in Linking Words
a way that children start pestering their parents to buy those products. Linking Words
For instance
, the fast food chain McDonald’s promote their Ads to attract more and more teenagers to eat fast food which is not good for health because it contains high levels of fats and cholesterol which cause obesity and diabetes in children.Linking Words
, these adverts should not be allowed to be shown in mass media
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, another reason to restrict ads is that they may even put the lives of children at risk. Linking Words
In other words
, Children imitate the dangerous stunts performed by celebrities in commercials and often lose their life or cause themselves serious injuries because they are not aware of the consequences. Take, Linking Words
for example
, a report conducted by the US, stated that these adverts are subconsciously shaping our shopping habits very badly. To finish, Adverts that target children, be it on TV, billboards or the internet, should be completely banned.
To conclude, most ads targeting children are overly promotional and have a negative impact on children. Linking Words
the government must ensure that they are not aired during prime time.Linking Words