The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic has made a profound impact to both mankind and Mother Nature.
it gives nature a chance to heal, it has already done a colossal damage to human beings. Linking Words
essay will discuss how Coronavirus is being the treatment of the environment and the detrimental impacts to human life.
Linking Words
To begin
with, Linking Words
lockdown period has made us realize that the Earth is not only for human beings but Linking Words
for other inhabitants and nature. Put simply, when people are halted inside their home, no factories are operating and Linking Words
the number of vehicles on the roads has dramatically reduced; Linking Words
, there is a massive decline in air pollution, water pollution, and reduction in seismic noise. In Delhi, Linking Words
for example
, a few months before the quality of the air was very poor, which is now improved in an unimaginable. Linking Words
In addition
to that, due to the stringent stay-at-home measure, we could see few animals walking on the deserted city roads. Linking Words
, apparently, Linking Words
Novel Coronovirus has made the earth to recover from human made pollution.
On the other side of the coin, people are suffering from dire consequences of Covid-19 breakout. Evidently, the virus has spread out across the world and myriad of lives are endangered. To make it worse, yet no vaccine is found, and Linking Words
virus is not curable. So, whoever contracting Linking Words
contagious disease are suffering a lot and perhaps the probability of the death rate is high. Linking Words
For instance
, in the USA, the mortality is nearly 5000 people per day, which is making us to panic. Linking Words
Coronovirus is jeopardizing our life.
In conclusion, despite the temporary recovery of the environment, it is devastating the mankind. In my view, Linking Words
current change in the Mother Earth is not sustainable and in fact, it is negligible when compared to potential risk to humanity.Linking Words
Vijay Subramaniam