It is often argued that excess use of the latest mobile phones, have detrimental effects on the education of our young generation.
essay agrees with the given statement because it promotes distraction and Linking Words
diminish their concentration power.
To commence with, undeniably, addiction to the modern appliances can lead to the deviation of the teenagers from their studies.Since whenever they utilise these resources for their entertainment or leisure time, they ruin their precious time, and even while using these they forget their priorities and consistently chat with their friends on various social networking websites, Linking Words
as WhatsApp, Facebook, and many more.A recent Linking Words
by the children's welfare association in India, reveals that adolescences on an average spend 4-5 hours in a day in front of the Smartphones.Use synonyms
, it is evident that they allocate their crucial Linking Words
period to Use synonyms
unnecessary activity, which is accountable for ruining their whole life.
Another factor is that the constant use of these devices, has drastically impacted their concentration power to Linking Words
related work.Use synonyms
I certainly agree that internet these days, has changed the way students attain knowledge, I think they are using it more for the enjoyment purposes rather than the educational goals.Linking Words
, they find themselves unable to deal with the long working hours and often feel lethargic, which in turn, divert them from their studies.To cite an example, it is usually seen that, in an hour of Linking Words
, Indian pupils look for the notifications in their modern gadgets approximately thrice.Use synonyms
, the presence of Linking Words
equipments is enough for spoiling their future.
In conclusion, it is true that smartphones have adverse effects on the life of juveniles.Despite the several benefits, its deteriorating impacts are negatively influencing the literacy level of the youth.Linking Words