It has been believed by many that the professors must guide the students, especially the high school ones, about the management of money, being an important skill for a better life. I fully agree with
, as Linking Words
will inculcate a sense of responsibility in them.
The kids of today will be the masters of tomorrow. So, they have to be groomed in every aspect and trained religiously with special emphasis on the management of accounts, and I Linking Words
back Linking Words
idea. Secondary school pupils are mature enough that they have to be taught about the importance of money. Linking Words
, they have to be told about the methods of saving, judicial spending, and the principles of investing the capital. Linking Words
, the process of banking, Linking Words
as the opening of an account, cash deposit, and withdrawal, acquiring loans, and all other processes has to be explained. Linking Words
For instance
, the same practice is being done in the UK and the institutes hold formal lesson plans. Linking Words
, to produce a productive population, it's better to guide them all the pros and cons of living.
Some people argue that kids should be kept away from monetary affairs. Linking Words
will keep them dependent on their parents and will help in the family bondage. Linking Words
, the activities of the young ones can be monitored if Linking Words
spendings are through the elders. people in general
, they will learn the art of spending once they step in their practical life. Linking Words
For instance
, Linking Words
policy is being followed in the Indo-Pak subcontinent. So, the head of the family remains the financial caretaker.
To conclude, the mentors must start the training of the youngsters at an appropriate age, so that they can become a better human being. Linking Words
, the handling of money must be explained and practiced at the grass-root level.Linking Words