has been an integral part of the schooling system as it makes the learning process for students easier and more efficient. People’s opinion differs as to whether students should be assigned coursework at home, while some people are against the setting of the Use synonyms
. I completely disagree with Use synonyms
On the one hand, there are several reasons why people agree that Linking Words
is an unnecessary burden on children. Use synonyms
, it is proving to do nothing to improve children’s educational outcomes. Linking Words
For example
, in some countries where students have none of the practices Linking Words
as Finland, it tops international education league tables and outperforms nations where setting Linking Words
is a norm. Use synonyms
, parents would argue that their children need time to engage in social activities or to rest after a long day at school. Linking Words
, the assignment leaves them too tired and exhausted to do Linking Words
study or any of the sports. Having to spend time with their family or their friends, is a beneficial development for their brain growth and personality formation.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, I feel that Linking Words
has a crucial role to play in the academic performance of children. The Use synonyms
plus point is that it encourages independent learning and problem solving because students are working through the given tasks by themselves and at their pace, depending on whether the material is easy to difficult to take in. By doing so, they consolidate their understanding of the concepts taught by their teachers. Finishing math exercises, Linking Words
for instance
, is an additional practice in which children have to apply the equations that they have learned before in the classroom. Linking Words
, in fact, helps them to be familiar with the type of questions, Linking Words
, they are stressed-free during the exam period since they have practiced multiple times. Linking Words
In addition
, the habit of doing self-study daily develops an independent study habit, which is relevant to the working environment as they become adults.
In conclusion, Linking Words
is certainly rigid in some ways, but I think its advantages, which forms students’ critical thinking and prepares them for future careers, far outweigh them in the long run.Use synonyms