Since the advancement in technology, many countries have been investing in exploring other planets. Though
can help humankind in the future when citizens cannot survive on Earth, it may not be a priority right now. Critics argue that exploring the Universe is expensive and more Linking Words
should be spent on things of the essence.
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To begin
, there has been a growing media coverage which has had an impressive influence on people's attitude towards the government squandering extra funds in space expeditions. Many believe that hard-earned cash should be spent on improving more essential things on Earth, Linking Words
as climate change. To illustrate, BBC News, in 2019 reported that a shuttle costs around 10 billion dollars to build and function for exploring space and the Linking Words
model is never a final product which means that the exact cost of one mission is more likely greater . Linking Words
is an enormous amount taken from taxpayers pockets to discover unknown things, while crisis Linking Words
as global warming is on the edge of impacting the world. If the government were to spend even one-Linking Words
of Astrophysics Linking Words
into protecting the globe, there can be a reduction in the effect of climate change.
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In addition
to the climate crisis, it is undeniable that some funding for Astronomy is required to protect our planet from asteroid collisionsLinking Words
and other dangers. Remove the comma
, the funds should be capped, and reduced when other more necessary situations are in the picture. Linking Words
For example
, in the year 2020, the World Health Organisation reported that more than 5 billion people died of Covid-19 virus. The authorities should have stepped in when the virus Linking Words
became known to kill people. Linking Words
, Linking Words
was not the case, many nations did not devote financial resources towards protecting people Linking Words
of contributing Linking Words
to Tesla owner's project to go to Mars. Based on Use synonyms
report, it is highly evident that many countries pour immense Linking Words
into Astrophysics projects and do little towards more essential things.
To conclude from the aforementioned examples, I firmly believe that the authorities should limit the amount of funding in space adventures as it is highly-costly and no benefit to inhabitants of Earth. Alternatively, more Use synonyms
should be devoted to the key things which are affecting the human race currently.Use synonyms