Some people claim that not enough of the waste from home is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governaments to make it a legal requirement To what extend do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Nowadays, the litter provided by homes is insufficiently recycled. I do believe that laws should be implemented by governments, which will find the individuals who will not dispose of the litter properly.
To begin
with, the packaging market has been increasing its efforts to produce more affordable recycled packages.
In other words
, it allows people to separate what should be recycled in a simple way.
, some individuals do not care about it, and they dispose of all the organic waste together with the recycled one.
, the environment and
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public health are damaged by littering.
example demonstrates that it is essential to implement new rules by the governments, which will change people's habits of separating their waste from home.
, it can be seen that there are some countries
as Canada and Japan,
for instance
, where citizens are severely penalized with high taxes if they do not separate and throw away their garbage in distinct bins.
is a successful measure that, unfortunately, has not become a rule for developing countries until now.
, it increases the cultural awareness about
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social responsibilities and avoids
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environmental pollution. Because of
, children have been growing up more conscious about the littering consequences, which encourage them to embrace
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recycling habits. To conclude, in my opinion, recycling laws should be imposed by governments that will tax those who do not deposit the rubbish in a proper recycling container. It will change people's habits and benefit the environment and
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public health.
, the new generations will grow up more aware and adopt new recycle behaviour.
Submitted by agenciabrushup on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • waste management
  • recycling
  • legal framework
  • responsibility
  • accountability
  • penalties
  • compliance
  • deterrents
  • regulations
  • waste reduction
  • education
  • awareness programs
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