Since the past few decades, the health of the environment has been one of the major concerns to many people.
it is stated that some believe the main reason for environmental damage is the extinction of specific
of flora and fauna, it is often argued by many that the
is being harmed because of several other environmental issues.
essay will demonstrate both the views, though I personally believe that the environment has been damaged to a greater extent because of the urbanisation programs.
People who advocate the environmental issue, believe it has flared because of the extinction of certain plants and animals. The Tasmanian Tiger,
, when it became extinct, there was an ecological imbalance in the wildlife;
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Australia to lose one of their native animals. Their death resulted in an increase in insects and other predators around the region.
Tasmanian Tigers posed no threat to humans, they were hunted by humans in order to introduce dogs into their society. Clearly,
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xtinction of particular flora and fauna does embark some damage to the
Others, myself included, argue that the
is being damaged to a greater extent because of other environmental problems.
with, the urbanisation of developed and developing countries has caused the carbon-monoxide gases to emit in the atmosphere, which thereby leads to global warming. In countries
as China,
, the use of automobiles and factories has risen, which has contributed to the depletion of natural resources and
the globe to warm.
, because of these environmental problems
many animals are
going extinct,
, Polar Bears. Even though Polar Bears are not being hunted by humans, they are still being considered as an endangered
; because the ice in the Arctic Ocean is melting due to global warming. In short, the
is being drastically harmed due to the urbanisation program of both developing and developed countries.
In conclusion, even though the health of
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nvironment is being damaged due to loss of
; I,
, believe that the
is being harmed
because of the other environmental issues. As the excessive use of natural resources is not only causing its depletion and global warming, it is
endangering certain animal