In today's era, giving and taking presents has been influencing people's life.
, some people contend that for youngsters Linking Words
is a worthwhile present, though others completely contradict the statement. Use synonyms
essay will discuss both the arguments in detail along with my personal preference.
Linking Words
To begin
with, there is a group of folks who are in favour of allocating Linking Words
to young children in the form of a gift. It is, Use synonyms
, so that they can use the Linking Words
in order to pay their university fees and Use synonyms
to spend the amount for the purchase of valuable gadgets which could be put in use while studying. Linking Words
, Some young kids save the gifted Linking Words
for their future expenses. Use synonyms
For instance
, there have been some recorded instances of university students who have deposited their funds in the mini bank and used them for their tuition fees and other valuable expenses. Linking Words
, it is an absolute imperative to gift teenagers the wealth so they can use it purposefully.
Linking Words
, other people consider the idea that funds as a present could tremendously drag the adolescents towards the detrimental habits Linking Words
as drug addiction, consuming alcohols and cigarette because in their age they could not understand the lofty values of the Linking Words
and develop the habit of overspending which ultimately leads the miserable situations. Use synonyms
For example
, according to the news in the Global Article, the exorbitant consumption of Linking Words
in the teenage has certainly affected the lives of many individuals adversely. Overall, receiving Use synonyms
in the gifted form has negative consequences for the youngsters.
To conclude, Use synonyms
is a necessity to survive but, for the adolescence especially as a gift has several negative implications which could not be ignored. I firmly agree with the notion to a great extent that people should not be gifted the Use synonyms
because the amount could be used terribly without any purpose. So I agree with the later viewpoint.Use synonyms