When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and way of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.)

Due to advancement in technology, the value of traditional methods and individuals old culture is in continuous danger. Owing to
reason, it has been said by many, It is senseless to strive and preserve them from destruction. I,
, somehow agreed with
notion and like to explain in
paragraphs. To commence with, up-gradation of machinery leads to many changes in the modern world. Several new advancements came in various fields like new gadgets, lucrative vehicles, captivating designs and so on. Which in turn, change the choices and preferences of the populace.
, which eventually leads to ignorance of old techniques and moral values.
For instance
, research by the University of Calcutta states that, due to a rise in automation, more emphasis is given on new skills and methods which are availed by machines.
As a result
, reducing the labour workforce and increasing issues of unemployment.
, it is impossible to ignore the importance of traditional skills which has been in danger to become extinct.
, the benefits which one acquired through traditional methods are not comparable with new ones.
In other words
, the old techniques are way more effective and efficient than modern skills.
For instance
, people still prefer or fancy, to read books by printed material despite , the huge availability of electronic books
as PDFs.
In addition
,the new skills are sometimes very costly and affect the environment by release of energy through machines.
, it is very essential to conserve them. In conclusion, the amelioration of technology leads to tremendous changes in the world by making everything convenient and easy.
, there is always be the necessity to protect the traditional values of life.
Submitted by jaspreet.s.hora14 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Technological advancement
  • Efficiency
  • Global connectivity
  • Cultural identity
  • Diversity
  • Innovation
  • Coexist
  • Sustainable
  • Eco-friendly
  • Energy-intensive
  • Practical skills
  • Self-sufficiency
  • Homogenize
  • Preservation
  • Global diversity
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