There is an ever-increasing use of technology,
as the internet and social
. It is often argued that it is an indispensable part of our survival,
others disagree and anticipate that it is a misuse of
. In my opinion, I believe that these platforms have more benefits.
essay will examine both the aspects discussed in
It is quite evident that advancement in technology has provided
with uncountable things and social networking
beingWrong verb form
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a boon to everyone. With these networking sources ,
can easily connect with their loved ones and
can Verb problem
show examples
follow famous
around the globe.
can share pictures,
videosCorrect word choice
show examples
and browse other stuff of their desires.
, social
is accessible anywhere at any
in the world. Facebook is a prime example where
can join anyone and has so many features to keep
engaged like
can check the videos of prominent singers, or
learnWrong verb form
show examples
some new dishes posted by renowned
chef'sChange noun form
show examples
, these platforms are connecting
globally and gaining much
popularityCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
than before.
, many disagree and feel that social networking
are not useful in daily life and it is a total
wastageReplace the word
show examples
of their precious
as human interaction is deprived
offChange preposition
show examples
. To add on many youngsters are so engaged in these sources that they do not want to spend
with their family and relatives.
, a survey conducted by the Star newspaper found that 60% of
have cut down by not attending family unions
preferCorrect word choice
show examples
over the family.
, social
is cutting down human interaction.
From my perspective, I
believedWrong verb form
show examples
that these networking
are more useful as
are getting a source of entertainment and find some useful stuff to watch.
share important news or new updates.
, many small companies put an advertisement for job openings or upcoming job events which can be important for new graduates.
In conclusion,
there are more benefits of social
beWrong verb form
show examples
in touch with family and friends and
to browseChange the verb form
show examples
other news, some still feel that it is completely useless.
, as long as
are careful to keep in mind the importance of human interaction in life and not be cut down, networking
have more advantages and
playsCorrect subject-verb agreement
show examples
a crucial part nowadays.