The international committee should act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce fossil fuels, such as gas and oil. Do you agree or disagree?
The greater threat for humanity and for all life forms on the earth is global warming caused by human actions. I strongly agree that all countries should closely coordinate to drastically reduce the consumption of fossil fuels since the economic impacts of
in a Use synonyms
impacts others and no nation will take initiative dueUse synonyms
Add the preposition
The Linking Words
of every Use synonyms
impacts the environment of other countries in one way or another. Take Use synonyms
for example
how mineral waste from factories in Chile affects Peruvian underground water reserves. Chilean waste from mining which results from the processing of Linking Words
is irresponsibly dumped in the desert. Correct your spelling
Linking Words
not only contaminates the local wildlife but Use synonyms
other countries. In a similar fashion, Linking Words
from Japanese fishing boats impacts the sea bed on the coast of many other countries. Since air and sea cannot be divided by physical borders, they act as a single global system and all countries must act together to reduce the environmental impact of industries.
Use synonyms
, Linking Words
is an era of competition in which all countries race each other to produce goods at a low cost. Since reducing reliance on crude oil will entail a huge investment in alternative sources of energy, it will increase the price of all manufactured goods and no Linking Words
will take Use synonyms
initiative. The Linking Words
which takes initiative will lose a competitive advantage over others. In consequence, all countries should come together on a common platform Use synonyms
as the United Nations and pledge to curtail the use of fossil fuels in an organized manner.
In conclusion, the future of humanity is at stake and the price of not acting is high. I believe countries must cooperate and impose strict reduction targets on Linking Words
.Use synonyms
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Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
Linking words are very important in your essay.
To score effectively on your IELTS exam, you should make an effort to implement short concise sentences coupled with linking words.
Almost every sentence in your essay should have a linking word of some sort.
In fact, the only sentences that can omit linking words are your background sentence and thesis.
Linking word examples:
- firstly
- secondly
- thirdly
- in additional
- moreover
- also
- for example
- for instance
- therefore
- however
- although
- even though
- despite