It is an irrefutable fact, that now a days humanity is having the fatest people in all over the world.
issue, is due to the fact that quality, quantity are not the best material used human nutrition, as well as the moment when individuals eat foodstuff. In Linking Words
essay, it is agreed that governments need compulsory add a tax to fast meal. The following up paragraphs will widely explain Linking Words
situation. Linking Words
, I will come up with my personal opinion.
Linking Words
, fast foodstuff most of the occasion is served just to feed people who need to have lunch in a quick term. Linking Words
, Linking Words
kind of cuisine do not hold important substance like: vitamins, proteins, minerals, among other nutriments needed for having a healthy body. Linking Words
For example
: Hamburguers is very well known that are not fresh and nutricial dieet. Linking Words
, generally Linking Words
dish is accompanied by sodas and/french fries. A disadvantage is stomach do not get any hot snack. Linking Words
In other words
, eaters can not burnt grasses and because of Linking Words
dinners get fat. Linking Words
is a strong reason why Mexican and Chinese cuisines, most of the occasion, start they meals with hot soups.
Linking Words
: Smokers today have to pay high taxes on cigarretes. Linking Words
is a measure that goverments force to do in all the countries of the world. Linking Words
For example
: A smoker, pays more thar 10% for taxes on cigarretes. Linking Words
As a result
, a lot of people quit smoking or spend less money on buying cigarrs. The same can be done on fast cuisine. People can think twice, if they have to pay more money, in consuming fast foodstuff.
To sum up, fast cooking is not the best way to be healthier, other wise peple are obese, creating body disseases. In my personal point of view, I agree that fast fare be regulated with an extra tax, Linking Words
people will not buy more of Linking Words
yunk feed. Expecting an outcome of peope loosing weight and reducing a big percent of people in danger of death.Linking Words