Some people say history is one of the most important school subject. other people believe that in todays world , subjects like science and technology are more more important than history. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

The education system plays a vital role in the growth of an economy, it should touch all the important aspects of all subjects. Many people believe that science and
is a more important
while other's believe teaching history in schools is
necessary.In my opinion
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both these subjects are equally important in our educational institutions as each caters to different topics and interests of a person.
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I strongly agree that we should let our children decide their subjects as both these subjects lead to a great career. History plays a crucial role in shaping a child's mind, it teaches us about a lot of great inventions, civilizations and many more things. Some people find
more interesting than any other since our past reflects our great culture as well as reasons why we are here.
For instance
- History helps children to understand and identify different cultures and traditions,
way they will feel attached to our society. Country's history plays an important role in shaping its future, so
should definitely be taught to the younger generations. Some people support the topic that science and
is a vital
in schools as
will develop a child's mind to understand how everything works around us and
develop a curiosity in one's mind which
leads to great inventions. It is based on evidence and is the backbone of a country. A nation strong in
field is a world leader as it uses the latest
to solve various complex problems of society.
For example
- The United States is a developed country as it has the latest
in medicine as well as in military which is better than any other
making them superior. To conclude science and
is the future while history is all about the past, both together is required to understand the whole system, to develop know-how. Both of these subjects hold relevant importance and should be taught in all schools.
, I believe we should leave the decision of choosing a single
to a child as everyone has different learning and understanding levels and one should
according to their interest's.
Submitted by kapilgulliya744 on

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