A small number of youngsters are aware of the importance of finances and how to manage them, even though, they are used in every aspect of our society. A commonly held belief is that management should be included as a school subject. In
essay, I am going to elaborate on Linking Words
topic and show my approval.
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To begin
with, management is a crucial life skill. The majority of people are taught how to work with technologies and how to solve difficult mathematical equations. Linking Words
, a truly valuable experience , which money managing undoubtedly is, is out of the curriculum. Linking Words
, in the future, a student won't be able to look after their credits. Linking Words
For example
, if a person studies abroad, they will be unable to look after their expenses. Linking Words
, he will need to take credits, which can become a future burden.
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, a lack of experience in finances is sure to prevent those who wish to continue their education in the business sphere. Since children are not taught business at school, they do not have enough experience in it. Linking Words
will lead to a variety of disadvantageous circumstances ,Linking Words
as learning basic concepts at university. Linking Words
As a result
, one's education will be immensely intruded and an individual will need to study twice as much, in order to catch up with the curriculum of higher education.
To summarise, I firmly believe that the value of money should be taught at school. By doing Linking Words
, the government ensures that young adults can deal with everyday financial problems and there won't be prevention in their career path. Linking Words
, a bigger part of the population will acknowledge the power of money, which will lead to a more peaceful life.Linking Words