In the future, more people will choose to go on holiday in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday. Do you agree or disagree?

With the rise of social media, people are being influenced to spend their annual time off in foreign countries rather than their homeland because they are shown ways to
overseas on budget.
has become a thing where individuals prefer to visit as many countries to experience unique cultures. In my perspective, I categorically disagree with the possibility of an increase in the number of people spending their holidays in one'nation There are so many digital platforms who offer help with the itineraries along with the expense that would cost for a holiday, be it any destination. So it gets very convenient for the travellers to plan, according to their expenditure cap. In Singapore, Airbnb and hostels are much affordable and comfortable to stay in comparison to luxury hotels.
, public transport
as buses and metros connect to the majority of the places and eliminates the reliance on can services.
, tourists would want to explore local cuisines and savour regional dishes rather than the regular food they always eat in their own countries. All these reasons contribute to inexpensive trips and people prefer to
out of the country without causing a hole in their pockets.
On the other hand
, bloggers and content creators especially backpackers have an impact, on the audience, with their enticing posts and videos of beautiful places they tour internationally.
creates a sense of interest in
enthusiasts wanting them to live a similar lifestyle.
, experiencing new traditions and knowing people of different races is a part of socializing which is growing rapidly these days.
For example
, there re numerous events being organized masse from all over the world where they meet and interact with each other. In conclusion, people planning for international holidays to enjoy the charm of those exotic places will periodically increase in the future and will not be constrained to travelling within their native places
Submitted by srivupputuri on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • domestic tourism
  • international travel
  • cultural exchange
  • national pride
  • affordability
  • convenience
  • ecotourism
  • heritage sites
  • local businesses
  • comfort zone
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