some educationalists think that international exchange visits will benefit teenagers at school. to what extent do the advantages outweighs disadvantages

International exchange visits have become a hot topic of discussion in recent times. Whilst some educationalist support that the benefits are far more than the disadvantages, some are against
essay will address why to a large extent, these visits have more benefits than disadvantages. Some parents may discourage their children from visiting foreign countries due to drawbacks
as cost and health risk.
, it can be very expensive to send your children to another country and many parents are unable to afford
For example
, in the northern part of Nigeria, parents are barely able to pay their children school fees and
cannot afford
sought of travel.
, parents may not be willing to allow their kids
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to embark
on international trips because of health risk exposure.
For instance
, countries all over the world are currently tackling a
corona virus
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pandemic and
may pose as a major fear for children going on exchange programmes.
, these drawbacks may be a disadvantage to parents.
, it can be argued that the advantages of travelling outweigh the risk involved. Two main advantages of swap plans are exposure to new language and culture. Learning a new language is a very attractive skill to have in the modern world and
can be achieved by visiting the country.
For instance
, research shows that people that travelled to France were more likely to learn french faster than people that learnt french from their home countries.
is because one is able to interact directly with the locals and communicate more effectively.
In addition
, being exposed to a new art is a skill that most teenagers would enjoy. As people say, when you are in Germany behave like the Germans. People tend to enjoy the new culture better when they embark on these type of trips. It is
safe to state that language and culture are advantages that cannot be overlooked. In summary, while some researchers may argue that visiting abroad is less beneficial to students,
essay supports that the benefits are more than the drawbacks to a large extent.
, families should encourage their wards to go on transfer opportunities in order to introduce them to new cultures and languages.
Submitted by wendykil on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • educationalists
  • international exchange visits
  • advantages
  • disadvantages
  • outweigh
  • benefit
  • teenagers
  • school
  • exposes
  • different cultures
  • perspectives
  • enhances
  • language skills
  • promotes
  • independence
  • self-confidence
  • builds
  • lifelong friendships
  • provides
  • unique learning experiences
  • expensive
  • homesickness
  • emotional distress
  • careful planning
  • logistical arrangements
  • disrupt
  • academic progress
  • safety
  • security risks
  • cultural appropriation
  • misunderstandings
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