It is suggested that primary kids need to learn about growing vegetables and keeping pets.
there are certain advantages associated with Linking Words
trend, the downsides seem to outweigh the upsides in Linking Words
To initiate the advantages of the involvement of primary children in terms of growing vegetables and keeping animals. The Linking Words
and foremost benefit is knowledge. To explain, if the primary level children show their interest in growing vegetables, perhaps they learn about the different varieties of vegetables along with the availability of high nutrients. Linking Words
As a result
, they are likely to add the number of fresh vegetables in their daily diet that leads to good health. To cite an example, the vegetables Linking Words
as carrots, cucumber, and capsicum, which are considered to be the best source of vitamins and minerals, have a significant role in the life of children because of keeping them healthy. Linking Words
, while spending time with the animals, children come to know the value of love and honesty because most of the animals are very loyal and loving in nature Linking Words
as cats and dogs.
Despite the benefits, giving attention to growing vegetables and keeping animals has disadvantages too. The primary one is the rise in health problems. To elaborate, whilst growing vegetables, it is required to mix some of the fertilizers including pesticides Linking Words
in the soil for the protection of the seeds from insects that are present in the soil , whereby children can have to face dire consequences on their skin Linking Words
as rashes, swallowing, and redness. Apart from Linking Words
, caring animals is a very arduous task especially for children because some of the animals raise skin allergy-related problems and other dangerous diseases in the humans, and the children are very unconsciousness about Linking Words
. Linking Words
For instance
, the cats and dogs, which are kept at homes and loved and cared for by children, are considered to have more rabies germs than other animals.
In conclusion, though some specific benefits involved with Linking Words
trend especially the knowledge as well as the sense of love and loyalty , it has more adverse effects because of rising health issues among children.Linking Words