The advancement of technologies in the medical sphere that we have in our modern era has increased the number of older people, over the age of sixty-five, who are active participants in society. Despite their decreased capacity in doing physical work, these elders can contribute to their vast knowledge and experience.In
essay, I am going to elaborate on the elderly's role and how they can be beneficial to our community.
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To begin
with, we cannot neglect that older people possess a wide range of mastered abilities. Linking Words
they are unable to work as hard as when they were younger, senior citizens have gained sufficient experience throughout their life path. Linking Words
is why they are more than qualified to teach younger employees about what skills they have acquired. Linking Words
For instance
, executives of Spotify, a company for an audio streaming application have hired some retirees to their team in order to share knowledge with the wider audience. Linking Words
As a result
, a bigger part of the staff who has worked in the company for a shorter amount of time will be able to get in touch with the wisdom of the seniors. Linking Words
can eventually lead to a better understanding of their profession.
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, not only does the gathered wisdom help the economy but can Linking Words
help the Linking Words
generation to comprehend the near past. Small children or adolescents have the unique opportunity to ask their grandparents for history, interesting stories and information and get them from a firsthand source. Even though there is a lot of data on the Internet, by collecting useful details, youngsters are sure to deepen in the importance of a given subject. Linking Words
For example
, there is a part of the history which deals with the latest 30 or more years. In order for students to understand their material, it will be far more interesting to listen to stories from their grandparents rather than read a boring student book.
To conclude, I firmly believe that there are a lot of ways the elderly can benefit society. Due to their enormous wisdom, they are able to assist in various activities Linking Words
as teaching the new coming generations ,or by simply telling more about the golden time.Linking Words