In the future,nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is expected that the online medium of reading will reduce the need to buy printed newspapers and books as everything could be read over the
in the coming years, without any pay.I totally disagree with
statement and believe that the importance of books and newspapers will remain prevalent in future.
essay will state reasons how reading printed books and journals will not be replaced by reading them online in future.
of all, reading a
in real is more comfortable than reading it online over a
.People generally lose interest in reading when they have to read lengthy articles or perform studies related to academics over a
,they leave the article or
without reading it fully.
For instance
,reading subjects
as maths which require in-depth understanding and consistent focus becomes daunting when executed online over the
always remains advantageous when studying
academic subjects.
In addition
,cheaper costs of books and newspapers will make it more preferable in future.With the increasing usage and demands of the internet, the cost of phones and data has experienced a dramatic surge with time.
,the books which are available online are not free of cost,it requires a subscription fee for a definite period of time and each
has its own price including taxes.Evidently,the combined charge of online books,data and expensive phones appears to be greater than buying a
,from a shop ,of our own choice, at a reasonable rate.
For example
,my mother who is an avid reader prefers buying a
in real, rather than reading it online, due to its cheaper rate. To conclude,
phones have many positive aspects for people,the comfort of reading a printed
in actual outraces the online medium.
In addition
,a higher rate of phones makes people more inclined towards printed newspapers and books.
Submitted by grvkumarsingh1 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • accessibility
  • convenience
  • cost-effective
  • cultural value
  • sentimental value
  • reliability
  • distracting
  • access to
  • digital devices
  • internet
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