Countries across the world, at one point or the other, experience unique challenges with their environments. While some point to the significant demise of earth’s creatures, owing to human activities, as the main environmental issue, others argue that our environments suffer even greater challenges than the loss of non-human
forms. One of
is atmospheric deterioration which is linked to global warming and high rates of carbon emissions.
both points are true in their own right,
essay supports the need for cleaner air as a problem requiring higher priority than it currently receives.
, one could argue that basic existence is tied to the consumption of food from plants and aminals. Where these become increasingly unavailable, food scarcity is inevitable and with it, hunger, poverty and death.
, food is a basic necessity. In order to afford daily meals, cities become more urban and better equipped to attract migrants in search of an improved standard of living (
, higher income, better employment and a more advanced lifestyle). By so doing, the economic growth of
cities can only evolve.
, as urbanisation rates increase, cities, desperate to maintain the influx of the labour force for development, carry out harmful environmental activities
of rivers and felling of trees to provide adequate land for construction of structures
as houses, offices and supermarkets,
supporting the argument for the loss of earth's creatures as a key global issue.
(whether in large cities or small undeveloped villages) cannot exist without people.
, they would not survive without air.
, people (and the plants and animals they depend on) require clean and healthy air to breathe and to survive. Several studies link the demise of species to the damage to the atmosphere.
, research shows an increase in lung-related diseases associated with living and working in stuff spaces. Doctors
recommend taking short vacations to less populated areas, surrounded by trees and water, for quick recuperation.
, the human respiratory system is a cycle of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, a cycle supported by vegetative
around us. One can only imagine,
, the reduction in health, wellness and productivity, when activities
as deforestation
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predominant in a bid to achieve societal advancement.
, the consequence of these choices on the atmosphere and human health, are more relevant than the benefits of perceived comfort. To elaborate, construction is associated with 60% of greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere, leading to
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estruction of atmospheric layers
preventing the easy circulation of gases relevant to the ecosystem.
, in turn
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leads to global warming, a common situation in which countries which once were known for their predominantly cold weather, currently experience unprecedented levels of heat and vice versa.
, people are now forced to make daily unprecedented changes to their types of clothing and work and
habits in order to survive.
In conclusion, earth and its environment
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various unique challenges, each with dire effects as discussed herein. One of
is the reduced number of species in the ecosystem; another is the damage to our gaseous intake. While both represent the need for greater consideration of our living space, the consciousness of our survival is imperative to the need to preserve our existence,
the term "sustainability". To simplify, it means making the best of earth's resources without compromising future generations' ability to do the same. With
in mind, I would conclude that reducing the levels of carbon emissions to the ozone layer, should be given deeper thought than the concern for the creatures around us.