A number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans are superior and entitled to employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including food and research. Discuss both these options and form your own opinion.

Animal protection has been a controversial topic since ages. While several individuals believe that animals should be provided with same rights as that of mankind so as to protect them from various exploitations, others oppose
view with an opinion that, man being the senior-being should be given the privilege to use animals to fulfil their cuisine as well as research-related requirements. I completely disagree with the opinion supporting animal exploitation. In
essay, we will
discuss why animal safety is human's responsibility and in the later part
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we will understand why humans need animals to fulfil their various needs. On one hand, as animals are
living beings they deserve respect and protection. Like mankind, animals
have the feeling of pain, attachment with their loved ones and being a superior species it our duty of safeguard all the existing beings and respect their existence.
For example
, we see a lot of animals
as cats, dogs and cows roaming on the roads in search of food. Since they are not intelligent enough to take care of themselves we should build an organization where they can safely live and are provided with all the requisites for living.
On the other hand
, animals
contribute majorly in the daily lives of humans, especially in research and food sector. Animal waste and by-products are used in the production of various dairy products and are
used in medical research projects. Man being an intelligent-being knows how to bring the animal waste and bi-products in their use and
, feels to have the authority to use them. We must have seen numerous farms everywhere which are into animals farming and have
seen medical organization doing their research on a mouse. To summarise,
animal's bi-product can be useful for human beings it does not allow them to disrespect and exploit animals.
Submitted by abhi on

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