At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays, demographic factors play an important role in the development of nations all over the world. It is a fact that young adults represent a higher percentage of the
in some countries, while that figure for elderly people is relatively lower. I believe that
is largely a positive development, where the upsides definitely have the edge over the downsides. On the one hand, the primary challenge that societies with young populations have to deal with is a high unemployment rate among the youth.
problem is especially serious in countries where the education systems fail to provide job markets with trained workers.
, economies in these places may be affected by social issues caused by unemployed school leavers
as high crime rates, rural-to-urban immigration, or social disputes. India is a case in point. The stagnant economy of
South Asian nation is attributed to its government’s failures in creating jobs for a
of 1.3 billion people, among which the majority of them are uneducated young adults.
On the other hand
, I believe that a youthful
brings about more benefits than drawbacks for a nation. As people are generally healthier and more productive when they are young, the economies of countries with many young adults will have an abundant and competitive workforce that boosts economic growth. Taking China as an example,
country has seized the opportunity of having a youthful labour force to become a world leader in manufacturing industries that require a large number of young workers.
, a young age society often results in a potential growing consumer market for manufactured products.
is a compelling advantage in attracting foreign investments and the basis for local businesses to accumulate capital. Economic miracles in Asian nations
as South Korea and Taiwan mainly stem from their young domestic markets, which are the motive for their corporations to conquer international markets. In conclusion,
we need to acknowledge the detriments of having a multitude of young adults in society, these disadvantages can be tackled by appropriate administration and facilitation from the authorities.
, I would argue that the benefits of a youthful
are more significant.
Submitted by nguyenvietcan95 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • demographic
  • workforce
  • productivity
  • innovation
  • skilled labor
  • social development
  • technology
  • dividend
  • competition
  • resources
  • social welfare
  • unrest
  • instability
  • healthcare
  • elderly care
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