explorations have revolutionised our world since the Use synonyms
decades. As Yuri Gagarin stepped on the moon, humans’ lifestyles have changed far considerably. From my view, the drawbacks can be greater than the minimal advantages which are earned by humans.
On the one hand, investment in Linking Words
projects is less important than other problems humans have. The Use synonyms
one is the nourishment of poor people. Each year, billions of dollars are considered by plenty of developed countries for Linking Words
sector, while Linking Words
money can be used in more essential parts, including farming. Linking Words
In particular
, in Africa, thousands of people die because of the shortage of food annually; Linking Words
, had the US government assisted these nations, more humans would have survived. Linking Words
, Linking Words
of focusing on a Linking Words
voyage, international organisations must pay attention more to refugees. Each year thousands of humans in the Middle East lose their home and have to leave their country. As a prime example, recently hundreds of thousands of People in Syria fled to Europe, whereas never sending a spacecraft to Mars can be useful to protect them. Use synonyms
As a result
, humanity has more important issues which must be solved than sending the man to the moon.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, I think the benefits gained by Linking Words
travelling can be far considerable than its marginal drawbacks. The Use synonyms
reason behind it is that it has led other technologies to develop more. Definitely, had not scientists used Linking Words
navigation technologies in aircraft, passengers would not have reached their destination so fast. Use synonyms
For instance
, the materials used in the body of new planes are copied from Shuttle, increasing their speed and having more efficient fuel consumption.
To sum up, Linking Words
Linking Words
exploration has blessed humans with advanced technologies, in my point of view, developed nations must pay attention to the problems which are faced by poor or undeveloped countries.Use synonyms