Your car insurance company has told you that they are going to increase the amount you have to pay in insurance for your car each month. You are not happy about this. Write a letter to your insurance company. In your letter explain • Why you are writing to them • Why you think the insurance should not be increased • What you want them to do
Dear Sir,
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the sudden increment in my car
EMI payment per month.
My name is Gaurav Jain, who purchased car Use synonyms
from your company recently. Yesterday only I received an email stating that from the Use synonyms
month onwards the Linking Words
EMI will get increased by 590 reps, which is unfair to the customers and against the policy.
As I already signed some papers before buying car Use synonyms
that until 3 years my monthly instalments will remain the same since I have opted for a fixed rate scheme rather than a flexible one. Use synonyms
, I believe there should not be any rise in my monthly payment before 3 years.
I would request you to please cross check the rules of the scheme because I will not be able to pay any additional charges and unfortunately I will be forced to terminate my 3 years bond with your firm. It would be highly appreciable if you can be fully transparent at the purchase time so that other customers will not face any Linking Words
I will be waiting for your prompt reply.
Yours faithfully,
Gaurav JainLinking Words
Submitted by aj534160 on
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