some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person's culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

It is often argued that people’s way of living and personality can be told by the outfits they decide to wear. I strongly disagree with
statement, since these are complex parts of what makes us human and
, can not be defined by the clothing style one chooses to use. Even though in some cases a person’s culture can be inferred by their vestments,
for example
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women who always wear a specific attire like the hijab, it is not right to generalise
assumption to all situations. In a globalised world like ours, there are several clothing brands that dictate the fashion trends in a lot of countries, especially
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western ones. As an illustration of
, it is perfectly possible that a woman in the United States can be spotted using exactly the same dress as a woman in Brazil.
, in
scenario, it would be quite impossible to discover their cultures only by their clothes. A person’s character is formed by many different elements and it is absurd to conceive that it can be defined by the outfits one chooses to wear. People are usually mistaken about other’s personality when they judge it by their clothes.
is because the dressing style someone decides to use is just a fraction of their personality and
is not able to show what their true and complete self is like.
For instance
, a person who follows punk fashion trends and only wears black can seem at
sight unfriendly and always mad, but can actually be extremely nice and kind.
, people’s traits can not be inferred by their clothing style. In conclusion, considering people’s attire is just a small part of who they truly are, it seems to me that judging their culture and character solely from the outfits they wear does not make sense and can probably result in mistaken conclusions.
Submitted by larissa.sepulveda19 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • attire
  • fashion trends
  • individuality
  • first impressions
  • designer labels
  • social status
  • cultural appropriation
  • dress codes
  • traditional garments
  • sartorial choices
  • symbolism in clothing
  • cultural identity
  • expression of self
  • global fashion industry
  • cultural integration
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