Farming is the starting point of every nation,
day and age;
youngerCorrect article usage
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generation has hung back from taking up farming as an occupation. Analysing that farming as a job seems to be socially
non prestigiousAdd a hyphen
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and grants no
, it can be remedied by creating awareness and solving the issue of
For starters, a lot of
have refused to venture into farming as a profession because it appears to be socially non-prestigious. Somehow,
the Correct article usage
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society brings down farming as an occupation.
, there is
feeling that the public looks down on
who shows interest in farming as a job, as a matter of fact;
a Correct the article-noun agreement
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inferiorityAdd an article
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complex when they think about farming as a career option because the society makes them believe that once they fail, they cannot bounce back.
, having no
a reason why youngsters fail to choose farming as a job. Banks and financial institutions often turn down farmers in making because they think farming is not a feasible business.
, they refuse to borrow money
toChange preposition
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farmers because they feel farming is not profitable.
, the financial institution is of the opinion that land is not a sufficient source enough to be used as collateral.
, there are various ways young people can be inspired to take up farming as a career. One of which is to create awareness. The government should take the initiative to educate the population about farming practises
,Remove the comma
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precision farming and its sustainability that acquire remunerative income.
should be educated that going into farming can help them earn a financially worthwhile income than other jobs.
, to help tackle the issue of
. Investors, organisations and supporters should be called on with the aim of connecting young entrepreneurs by establishing and strengthen the micro-lending institution that gives young men and women the kick-start they need for their business.
, setting up
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micro financeCorrect your spelling
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institution and programme to help train youngsters, manage, monitor, and grant them
to loan, to start and expand their farming business.
In summary, regardless that young men and women hesitate to enter into farming as a profession due to reasons like socially
non prestigiousAdd a hyphen
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and no
to credits.
, it is cleared that these reasons can
be solved by sensitization and obtaining
loanAdd an article
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