People often argue that the internet has facilitated togetherness via social networking platform.
, it is believed that it has inculcated loneliness and created distance amongst friends and families. Linking Words
essay will argue the web has made connectivity more feasible and fostered togetherness.
On the one hand, individuals reckon the internet has adversely affected their relationships with their parents or children by creating distance amongst them. Linking Words
For example
, they tend to spend more time indulging in online games, e-shopping or putting pictures on social media to impress others etcetera. Linking Words
of nurturing their family time. It often leads to a feeling of isolation, separation and emptiness.
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On the other hand
, people are getting closer in spite of staying away from their hometown. Linking Words
, families can keep themselves updated about their kids and other members. Linking Words
For instance
, someone who lives in the USA for study purpose can easily connect with their parents on daily basis via Whatsapp, Skype or Google Duo video calls ,Linking Words
as a result
, can get rid of homesickness.
All things considered, in my opinion, the internet has promoted a sense of contentment and togetherness to a greater extent amongst individuals and their relatives as compared to people who believe that it has led to isolation or feeling left out due to its engaging aspect.Linking Words