Some people think that the government should provide free education at every level. However, some says that individuals should pay their university education. Discuss both view and give your opinions.

contemporary era, the expenses of
have been a debated issue. Some people believe that all governments should bear all the cost and provide free
. While others tend to have the opposite viewpoint.
essay will discuss both opinions and justify my point why
must be available free at a certain level.
To begin
with, It is an accepted fact that, in developed and undeveloped countries, most people remains uneducated due to poor financial conditions. If the government sponsor free learning for all
even underprivileged people can afford it and gain knowledge which in turn will mitigate the unemployment rate.
For example
, Canadian officials provide free
to all their citizens and
the primary reason why the unemployment ratio is less as compared to other countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh.
On the other hand
, Some argued that it should be restricted at a certain level wherein students should be asked to pay for their institutional
is because the government paying expenses for studies will lead to higher taxation which might bring a burden for the taxpayers.
For example
, Some countries charge higher taxes to their citizens as they provide free learning.
, there are some risks associated with
, free
can be taken for granted. Some students might not willing to acquire knowledge and would just enter the university free of charge, which automatically means the government investment will be fruitless. In conclusion, while the free
system should benefit all and provide equal opportunity,
, it ought to be confined at a certain level due to the few risk involved in it.
Submitted by varsha.kori44 on

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