Books have helped humanity evolve over a great period of time. It is often seen nowadays, most of the public use digital books and there is a drop in conventional book readers.
trend has got its own benefits Linking Words
as easy portability, as well as drawbacks Linking Words
as health problems.
There are two major benefits of the use of e-books. Linking Words
To begin
with, it helps to decrease the weight people carry with them. To be more clear in Linking Words
modern era, many carry advanced cell phones and tablets, where they can have all their material in one place and can Linking Words
create e-notes, Linking Words
decreasing the number of physical copies drastically. Linking Words
, it can Linking Words
help to reduce the cutting of trees and environmental pollution. Linking Words
For instance
, raw material will not be required for the manufacture of the books, deforestation will be avoided and it will have a positive impact on the global environmental crisis.
Linking Words
, there are two distinct disadvantages. Most importantly is an addiction to mobile phones and the internet. One clear example is that the folks can resort to these devices as access to social media sites and for gaming competition, thereby distracting them from their aim. The Linking Words
point to be considered here is a hefty price which people will pay in long term and that would be health issues. To illustrate, people are bound to have problem with their eyesight due to constant looking exposure to the screen for a prolonged period of time. Linking Words
In addition
, the convenience of easy transportation while reading can give rise to posture-related problems Linking Words
as neck pain and backache.
To conclude, considering the above explanations it is clear that the practice of digital reading has got its pros and cons which are not negotiable.Linking Words