In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food . It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food . To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion ?

In most ,nations people are eating junk
most of the time , as a consequence , skyrocketing a lot of health issues among populations so that the ministry has decided to take heavy tariff on fast cuisine restaurants . I totally agree with
notion because
is a positive development for individuals .
, I agree that the government of the country should take huge charges from outside hotels in order that reduction in many health disorders
as hypertension , obesity , diabetes -2 and so on . If the ministry follows
rule ,
it is a pivotal cause for many health diseases as eating too much oily
which is the highest calorie foods , it will impossible to digest it without exercises .
, a tax affects indirectly the consumption of junk
because it is not affordable for the middle class and poor families and
is an account for as a
of high status , while they avoid it or consume it occasionally .
, an authority could be used
revenue in many well-being problems , particularly arise diseases from
kind of
, it decreases the load on governments as extra income for investing in hospitals and on the general public .
For example
, the ministry of India applies heavy malt on foreign fast-
companies like Dominoes , Pizza hut , KFC , etc .
result is a significant decline in the sale of products of these companies. Overall , it is directly benefited not only the national but
the general population. To conclude , I strongly agree with imposing a greater tariff on fast-meal chains because it helps to reduce disorders related to obesity or cardiac problems ,
profits to the government in order to spend on public ' s well-beings .
Submitted by himanshumali90 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • public health
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • health outcomes
  • healthcare costs
  • consumer behavior
  • socio-economic backgrounds
  • ethical implications
  • public health campaigns
  • subsidies
  • regulations
  • nutritional content
  • healthier food options
  • government intervention
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