In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might the be the case? Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

People tend to think It is quite essential to buy a home
of hiring one. There are some reasons to account for the same. In my opinion, it has benefits which outweigh the negative ones.
To begin
with, people who own a house have more focus and attention towards their work and
as they do not have a constant worry going on in their minds about paying the rent every month.
, they can be motivated to achieve other goals in their
For example
, if someone wants to get married at one stage, they can go ahead with a positive approach as they are already
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a home for their future.
, renting a house can prove to be an expensive option due to the recent inflation in the market.
, people who are investing in buying a home would save money to pay the instalments of the same and that would lead to cutting off all other unimportant expenses in their
. They would focus more on their
plans and executing them in a manner in which they can save and make their lives better.
For example
, if a person is married and he wants to buy a car, he/she can make a plan
to save and take out a sum amount to purchase the car which suits their budget. To conclude,
there are some negative points as well comparatively to positive ones
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they can be ignored and move on with the positive ones. It is a great idea to own a house than renting one.
Submitted by ratan.chhabra89 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • ownership
  • renting
  • importance
  • sense of security
  • stability
  • financial investment
  • asset
  • customize
  • decorate
  • belonging
  • community
  • potential
  • future generations
  • long-term
  • cost advantage
  • control
  • living space
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