Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

It goes without saying that the use of living critters for human purposes has skyrocketed nowadays compared to the past. The argument as to whether or not testing on the natural creatures should be continued or prohibited has been metamorphosed into a moot point. Notwithstanding,
discourse delves into both standpoints, and
will put forward my own perspective,
. Apparently, the exponents that contend that the experimentation process on living things should be restricted — have their justification. The rationale behind their reasoning might be due to the fact that no one has the right to control other souls on
earth as every life does matter in a particular manner to support the ecological cycle.
, the human race should keep in mind that evaluations that are being practised on the poor innocent animals are against humanity and shows nothing other than the cruel nature of mankind for which critters have to be in pain and
as a result
they are being extracted from the planet. To epitomize, the extinction of elephant in middle Asia and Africa is the result of using these faunas for making jewellery and other cosmetics substances.
, vindication for the selfish mentality of human beings.
, could the contenders that posit that the handling of the beast is not an irreproachable way to offer aid to our own people, be absolutely right? Certainly, it follows that when it comes to sovereign remedy for some life-threatening diseases, the homo sapiens only have the option to analyse on closed physiological creatures those of humans.
, it is indeed to carry out the particular appraisals on a living being rather than putting a person's life in danger. To illustrate, for the medicaments of cancer a scientist must practise on rats or monkeys to research the efficiency of the drug.
, not only for the medical motives, but
to ameliorate a country's wealth authority does need to establish a business focused on the use of beast, to achieve optimal health and wellness of the nation. For exemplification, according to one survey by the Guardian Newspaper in the USA, in 2001, 30% of the African population was depending upon the exporting business of leather from the pet.
, justification for boons of using critters for society. To conclude, having explored both viewpoints, I, personally consent to the hilt that poor pets are being exploited for unethical demand of mankind;
, it is the need of the society to use them for the betterment of the human species only, but obviously, people should support animals by upbringing them in numbers.
Submitted by sam on

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