In the future, more people will choose to go on holiday in their own country and not travel abroad on holiday. Do you agree or disagree?

Travelling around and exploring new places has always been a passion of humans.
, the choices are either to explore regional landmarks or to visit foreign destinations.Many argue that the selection of domestic attractions for holidays will be more preferable in the coming future.I strongly agree with the above-laid statement.I will discuss the reasons for
in the following paragraphs. Nowadays,the whole globe is fighting against the
.Clearly,individuals who are planning for international tours need to consider a lot of factors in the coming days ,before they book tickets.
For instance
, travellers need to submit a COVID free status and vaccination details to cross the borders of most of the countries.
,Some sovereigns stopped commercial flights from red-listed regions.Flights from South Asian and African states are prohibited to enter most of the middle-eastern territory.
, travelling expenses,especially ticket prices,are skyrocketing as the number of operating airlines are very few.
, some hard-hit areas from coronavirus still not opened their local attractions for global travellers.
For example
,nations like India and Pakistan are still under lockdown so people could not visit these lands.
On the other hand
,some realms like European Union and GCC opened their local attractions for domestic tourists.people can travel within
region without much hassle.Though,some protocols yet to follow,they are relatively undemanding when compared to international
travel policies.The influx of native backpackers will
enhance the economical status of the region.At the length,the travel within the borders may contribute to the recovery of
stricken leisure industry and its beneficiaries. In conclusion,I think, in the light of the global
domestic sightseeing is the future.It is very important for economical development and social security.
Submitted by georginaelza on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • domestic tourism
  • international travel
  • cultural exchange
  • national pride
  • affordability
  • convenience
  • ecotourism
  • heritage sites
  • local businesses
  • comfort zone
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