Nowadays, many animal species are becoming extinct. Some people believe that countries and individuals must solve this problem, others believe that humans being are more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

The extinction of animals is considered a sensitive topic being widely spread and discussed. Meanwhile, some people assert that individuals and governments should take measures to save the wildlife, whilst others argue that funds should rather be spent on improving human beings. In
essay, I will discuss both sides of the argument and explain my support of the former view. Species getting extinct is a natural process
, the rate at which it is happening now is not. To illustrate, around 26.000 species are estimated to be at extinction risk, though the exact number is difficult to calculate.
, the mass extinction of living creatures can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem,
it is critically important to conserve all the living organisms on our planet.
, all animals are important in the food chain of the ecosystem.
For instance
, if grizzly bears get extinct, it would affect all the other creatures, which used to interact with the bears.
, the main factors affecting the drive of biodiversity loss is overhunting, illegal hunting, deforestation, overpopulation, human habitation, pollution.
, the reason for animals' becoming extinct is the result of human beings' actions. For
reason, human should take all the responsibility for their own actions and preserve biodiversity. Alternatively, some people may claim, that human beings' lives are more important, which cannot be denied.
For example
, hundreds and thousands of people are suffering from malnutrition and poverty around the globe. Even so, nowadays a considerable amount of budget is being spent on
projects as space exploration, a more sensible allocation of these funds would be improving life on our planet. To sum up, I am strongly convinced that we should take all the necessary measures to preserve species from getting extinct.
way all the living creatures can persist for the future generation.
Submitted by shoira.shakirovna on

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