The recent decade outlines the advancement in communication technology which have led to a free communicative society.
liberal-minded people proclaim it as a democratic right to express themselves freely on all platforms yet communist mindset finds it hard to withstand Linking Words
notion. The below-mentioned perspective will strongly illuminate the need for free speech in the free world.
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, the evolution of cultural development is based on inventions. Nowadays, youth does not only use communitive devices like television, radio, and newspaper but Linking Words
digital and social media channels. Linking Words
, along with residents government are present on these platforms and are part of these quick-spreading conversations. To illustrate Linking Words
fact, messages on Twitter to political leaders can notify them to act faster and convert problems into opportunities. Linking Words
In addition
, freedom to speak bring out change and create a stronger bond between people which helps in the economic development of the country.
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, left-winged political parties will always suppress the voice of mass. For the sake of money and power gain, corrupt leaders will control media to surface the news they want people to hear. Linking Words
phenomenon impacts the knowledge of the citizens and keep them in dark. Linking Words
For instance
, whistleblowers in communist countries are treated as lawbreakers and pronounced traitors. Linking Words
, destroying the opportunity to express will create unrest in the taxpayer and force them to revolt.
In conclusion, the reasons mentioned above highlights the importance of freedom. Linking Words
, the contribution of the resident to the country’s growth is undoubtedly due to the right of speech. Linking Words
, making it a necessity for a democratic society.Linking Words